Geometry Dash
Make It Meme
Make It Meme

Make It Meme

About Make It Meme

Make It Meme is a fun and creative multiplayer online game centered around creating humorous memes. Here are the game rules in a summarized format:

Game Modes:

  1. Normal Mode:

    • Each player receives a random meme image.
    • Players must come up with a funny caption for the given meme within a time limit.
    • Afterward, players rate each other's meme creations.
    • Points are awarded based on ratings, and the player with the most points at the end wins.
  2. Same Meme Mode:

    • In each round, all players receive the same meme image.
    • Players must individually devise their own funny text for the shared meme.
    • The rest of the gameplay follows the "Normal Mode" rules, with players rating each other's captions.
  3. Relaxed Mode:

    • There is no time limit for creating captions.
    • Players can freely modify their meme creations.
    • Memes are not judged; instead, they are simply enjoyed.
    • This mode focuses on creativity without the pressure of competition.

In all game modes, the objective is to create funny captions for memes and earn points either by receiving high ratings from other players or, in the case of Relaxed Mode, by simply enjoying the creative process. The player with the most points in Normal and Same Meme Modes wins the game.

geometry dash


Using Mouse

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