Geometry Dash
Geometry Dash Munchy Caverns
Geometry Dash Munchy Caverns

Geometry Dash Munchy Caverns

Geometry Dash Munchy Caverns by JacobROso is an Insane Level rated 8 stars with three user coins. The level is praised for its solid design, enjoyable gameplay, and good music synchronization. The following is a review by a user named @kiriE from

Cube Part:

  • The cube part's colors are well-blended and balanced, and the color combinations are good.
  • Gameplay in this section is fair and square, and there's evident music synchronization.
  • While the decor might seem somewhat bland and unoriginal, it's not a significant issue.

UFO Part:

  • This part's gameplay is described as extremely fun, with the placement of numerous gravity portals adding to the excitement.
  • Designwise, the block design and color combinations are very good, although there is some copy-pasting and repetitive block shapes.
  • The music synchronization in this part is praised as very good.

Ship Part:

  • The ship part's design incorporates blocks within the foreground, and the addition of flashes enhances the experience.
  • Gameplay is described as enjoyable and engaging, with good synchronization to the music's speed.

Ball Part:

  • As usual, the block designs and color combinations are nice.
  • While block shapes may be somewhat similar, it's not a major issue.
  • Gameplay is enjoyable, engaging, and excellently synchronized with the music.

Dual Cube and Ship Parts:

  • The dual cube section is noted for its fantastic gameplay and synchronization.
  • The dual cube is criticized for feeling empty; suggestions include adding more blocks, decorations, or creating a simple custom background.
  • The UFO and cube parts within this section are highly praised for their gameplay, synchronization, and use of gravity portals.

Wave and Dual Ship Parts:

  • The wave part is described as having amazing gameplay that syncs well with the music.
  • The ship part's gameplay is seen as fair and square without significant issues.
  • Designwise, the wave part's design is considered bland, with mediocre block design and color combinations.
  • The dual ship part, on the other hand, receives positive feedback for its fantastic block designs and good air decoration.

Final Sections:

  • The sync, block designs, color combinations, and gameplay in the final sections are all praised.
  • The dual cube is criticized for feeling empty; suggestions include adding more blocks, decorations, or creating a simple custom background.
  • The UFO and cube parts within this section are highly praised for their gameplay and synchronization.
  • The ending of the level is described as "absolutely amazing," and the overall performance is deemed an "awesome job."

The review highlights various aspects of Geometry Dash Munchy Caverns, including its gameplay, synchronization, design, and suggestions for improvement. It recognizes the level's strengths while also providing constructive feedback on areas that could be enhanced for an even more engaging player experience.



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