Geometry Dash
Geometry Dash DisKOTekA KreVetKa
Geometry Dash DisKOTekA KreVetKa

Geometry Dash DisKOTekA KreVetKa

Introduction Explanation of the game Geometry Dash DisKOTekA KreVetKa

Geometry Dash DisKOTekA KreVetKa an exciting and challenging rhythm-based platforming experience with vibrant disco vibes!

To recap, here's a summary of the key points:

Game Description: Geometry Dash DisKOTekA KreVetKa is an Easy Demon level created by a talented team of creators, including Wintter, Kentik, MaFFaKa, and Wodka. The level combines rhythm, challenge, and disco inspiration to take players on a thrilling journey through a custom level filled with precision and creativity.


  • The level's fast-paced gameplay will test your reflexes and coordination.
  • You control a square-shaped icon that automatically moves through obstacles in sync with the music.
  • Use the jump command with either [Space], [W], [Up], [Ctrl], or mouse clicking.
  • You can pause the game using [P].
  • You can toggle special effects using [L].
  • To restart the level, use [Green Flag].


  • The level boasts a 10-star rating and offers 3 user coins to collect.
  • It features a mesmerizing blend of Russian flair and discotheque inspiration.
  • The gameplay is perfectly synchronized with the music, creating a symphony of movement and rhythm.
  • Expect heart-pounding beats, dazzling visuals, and an immersive atmosphere.

Sequel: After the success of DisKOTekA KreVetKa, the creators released a sequel called TuSOvKa KreVetKa. This sequel builds upon the foundations of its predecessor, providing new challenges and even more exhilarating gameplay.

It sounds like Geometry Dash DisKOTekA KreVetKa and its sequel offer an unforgettable adventure for fans of rhythm-based platformers. Players will be challenged to unleash their inner dancer while conquering neon-lit dance floors in a world of rhythm and music. If you're a fan of the original Geometry Dash, these custom levels should provide an exciting and fresh experience. Enjoy the disco fever and shine on the dance floor of Geometry Dash!



using mouse

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