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DiceFootBall King
DiceFootBall King

DiceFootBall King

DiceFootBall King is an exciting two-player soccer board game that offers a fun and competitive gaming experience. Whether played solo or with a friend locally, it provides an engaging way to enjoy soccer-themed entertainment on the tabletop. Here's how you can play DiceFootBall King:

Objective: The goal of the game is for one of the players to score three goals before the opponent does, making them the winner.


  1. Setup: Each player starts with two tokens on the board.

  2. Taking Turns: Players take turns rolling a standard six-sided die (dice). The result of the roll determines the actions they can take during their turn.

  3. Movement: When a player rolls a number between 1 and 5, they can choose one of their tokens to move that number of spaces on the board.

  4. Shooting: If a player rolls a 6, they have the opportunity to shoot a kick if their token is currently positioned on the golden tile. Otherwise, the token will move its usual number of spaces. The golden tile appears to be a special position on the board.

  5. Scoring a Goal: To score a goal, the player must successfully kick the ball into the opponent's goal post when the opponent's token is not blocking the golden tile position. If the kick is successful and the opponent's token is not in the way, it counts as a goal for the player.

  6. Goal Reset: When a player successfully scores a goal, their token's position is reset to its initial starting point on the board.

  7. Winning the Game: The first player to score three goals wins the game and is crowned the DiceFootBall King.

DiceFootBall King combines strategy, luck, and soccer-themed excitement, making it a great choice for friendly competitions or solo play. It's a game that encourages tactical thinking and provides a thrilling tabletop experience for soccer enthusiasts and board game lovers alike.



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